7 Tips To Help Traveling Professionals Keep a Healthy Routine

Hello Foodie Friends,

Today’s article is by one of our contributors Jesse Clark from soulful-travel.com 


Living a healthy lifestyle is certainly easier when you can stick to a daily routine. However, being a traveling professional doesn’t mean you can’t prioritize your health on the road. Consider these seven tips from Savor Our City to help you focus on your well-being while you hustle for your career.

  1. Eating Healthy on the Go

Snacking is the easiest way to fall into unhealthy habits on the road. The most accessible items available in a pinch are typically junk food, but you can get in the habit of packing your own healthy snacks to keep with you. For example, buy a small portable cooler where you can keep fruit, water, nuts, and other healthy options. Stock up when you shop so you don’t run out too quickly.

  1. Make Self-Care a Priority

Self-care is an important component of overall well-being. When you feel yourself getting burnt out on the road, schedule some time to relax. You can book a spa appointment or simply stay in bed for the day, order take-out, and watch your favorite show. Self-care is personal, so do whatever you prefer to do to recharge.

When you are at home, having a space that relaxes you can be a boon to your self-care. A backyard patio, for example, can be a great place to spend time. If you need to clear space in your back yard to build one, keep in mind that removing a tree stump is a tough job to take on unassisted. Save yourself the hassle and search online for a local landscaping company that can handle the job. Cost tends to scale according to the size of the stump, but it will be much cheaper than a potential injury.

  1. Keep Your Schedule Organized

If you need a routine to stay focused on fitness, you can keep a tight schedule even on the road. Consider downloading an app on your phone to help you stay organized. Visit a travel planner website and integrate everything on your email calendar with reminders. Don’t forget to designate specific times to stop for exercise and meals. Those things are just as important as meetings.

  1. Know Where To Get Medical Care

Prepare for any unfortunate health scares by searching for virtual medical care available in your area. When you do need to see an online physician, you have a wide variety of treatment options with minimal wait times, more flexibility, and quicker access to prescriptions. It’s also typically a more affordable option, even if you can’t find one that takes your insurance. When booking a doctor’s appointment, the only things you need are an internet connection and a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

  1. Plan Places To Exercise on the Road

Getting exercise while traveling is easier than you may think if you make it a priority. Only book hotels with a fitness center, or join a gym with locations across the country and book your stays near one when possible. When you have the option to take the elevator, choose the stairs, and map out the nearest bike trails if you prefer running for your cardio.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water. Research shows that not drinking enough water can lead to liver damage and hormonal imbalance. You’ll start to feel sluggish, and as your energy drops, so too does your motivation to keep up with your schedule. Keep a water bottle on you at all times and keep track of how much you have to drink.

  1. Get Plenty of Sleep

Busy people often choose to sacrifice sleep first to keep their schedules tight. However, this is a mistake. Your body can maintain that routine only for a short period before you over-exhaust yourself. Know when to put work aside and get the sleep you need.

Now you know what you need to do to travel and maintain your healthy lifestyle. The key is consistency. Use these tips to prioritize your self-care, and next time you’re in Florida, treat yourself to a food tour from Savor Our City.

Until we travel to our next destination…

I send you delicious wishes, xo


7 Tips To Help Traveling Professionals Keep a Healthy Routine